Saturday, January 1, 2011

NYE 2011 - The Year of the Industry

"Anger! Anger everywhere! Rage! Just, like, raaaage!" - Chas Smith

That pretty much sums up last night, not the anger, but the RAGE. We RAGED pretty hard last night, so many good Industry parties, it was mental. If last night is any indication of what 2011 has in store, brace yourself, it is going to get crazy. I put down a Sex on the Beach, half of a Cosmo and a sip of my buddy's beer and I was done. We hit the QuikRipBill party and it was going off, a few good looking girls, but way more good looking guys. The industry is looking bright!  

“One Day in the Life of a Surf Journalist” - Chas Smith

friends, the guy in the scarf is looking good :)